Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Debate: Gun Control Current Event (Pro/Con)

Pro Gun side:

This event was posted on August 27th of 2014. Todd Watkins from Atlanta, GA, has three children aged 24, 19, and 13, who were taught to handle fire arms ever since they were young. He thinks that it's essential to teach children how to use guns- it's the same as telling a child not to touch a hot stove. Since there are so many firearms in the US already, you might as well learn how to handle them; but it has the potential to be useful or dangerous. His issue is with automatic weapons over weapons with triggers (which are more safe to handle). This is important because it shows the pro gun side, which supports the use of guns, but also has restrictions.

Anti Gun Side:

Obama and his administration has recently aimed measures at limiting access to firearms from the mentally ill. The regulations aims to clarify who can possess a firearm due to their mental health problem, and also lifts privacy provisions on the background check system. This is important because this (private) information can help keep guns out of potential threats. These regulations were passed on the one year anniversary of the December shooting in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. These changes will impact everyone in the US.

Current Event: Black Heroes

Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou was a figure of the Civil Rights Movement. She was born on April 4th of 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. She passed away on May 28th 2014, due to natural causes, and is important because she changed the world through her inspirational stories and words. She wrote poems, did performances, speeches, and lectures, that changed and empowered our generation.