Monday, November 3, 2014

Current Event: Abortion (Pro Life)

     On October 21st, the 10th Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity began in over 3,000 high school and college campuses. Students that were against abortion would tape their mouths shut for the entire span of the day as a silent protest, intending to make noise throughout the nation. A student named Kemper, an abortion activist from Arizona, created an organization that tracks the number of participating students on a website named
     This is an important occurrence because it shows what others are willing to do to show their mindset upon the topic of abortion. Ones against abortion participating in this event say that they will try not to impede this side upon other people, making it a peaceful act. I see this as a plus because these people are willing to state what they're saying without saying a word, and not causing a disruptance. Usually, matters that disrupt or cause a commotion (such as protests or riots) are put down with force, but this is the total opposite. Anti-abortionists are creating a non-hostile environment to get their point across, and I think that this is something that would be good for all of us, no matter what side we are on.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Current Event: Abortion (Pro Choice)

     In the Cincinnati area, one of the only abortion clinics, that serve an estimated 2.1 million people, was cited by the Ohio Department of Health for not writing a transfer agreement with a local private hospital. Clinic officials stated that they had agreed on an exemption more than a year ago, but never heard back from the state. This event was published on October 27th, which means that this event was very recent- most likely within the past few days to a week.
     Soon enough, Cincinnati will become one of the largest areas in the country without an abortion provider. Because Republic Governer John Kasich wants to restrict abortion rights across the state, this causes a problem for the 2.1 million people that depend on the abortion clinic. If the women cannot obtain their needed services, that will raise many questions across the city. In my opinion, I women should have the right of whether or not they want an abortion, and what is happening in this situation is violating that right. Taking away this program would cause anger to the ones that are looking into having an abortion, but also raises the question of whether or not this action is justified.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Current Event: Fifth Amendment

     In this article, a man named Thomas Eric Duncan, was quickly "quarantined" on September 8th as a cautionary measure to dissipate the Ebola virus that he was known to be ill with. He came first to the US from Liberia, and is known as the first person to die of the Ebola virus on US grounds.
     Now why does this event raise so many questions? This is as a matter of fact, a violation of the fifth amendment. The fifth amendment requires some "due process" before depriving citizens of their liberty. In this case, Duncan's liberty was challenged against the government when they restrained him in solitary. Most people would support the government when they do these measures, but what would happen when "the people" are in the same position as Duncan- being isolated? Will their thoughts change? Secondly, would anyone be willing to suppress the rights of an individual in order to keep them from harming a whole nation? That is the real question. And the answer to that- has the ability to violate the supreme law of the land.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Current Event: 4th Amendment;_ylt=AwrTWVWRoSRURyAALTfQtDMD

     In this article, Maria Cortes' fourth amendment rights were violated in Arizona when she was subjected to a prolonged detention based solely on the suspicion that she was an undocumented immigrant. A lawsuit was filed on September 19th, 2014, on the 2012 traffic stop.
     This is a clear violation of the second amendment because the sheriff unlawfully arrested and detained an immigrant under Arizona's anti-immigration law. Cortes was then taken to the U.S. Border Patrol Station for five days, because she had a pending visa application. Even today, many people abuse the use of this amendment, even people in the government, such as the sheriff.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Current Event: 1st & 2nd Ammendment

Article Link 1

Article Link 2

     A 9 year old girl shot Charles Vacca, a shooting instructor, in a shooting range in Arizona. The girl was taken into the range by her parents to use an Uzi, an Israeli made 9 mm sub machine gun. As the girl pulled the trigger, the gun jumped out of her hand, and went towards Vacca, who was standing next to her. Although, the date of this event is unclear, according to the articles, it probably occurred within the months of July to September of 2014.
     I find this to be a violation of the second amendment because it clearly states so in the first article. This act raises many questions. First of all, why should this 9 year old girl have access to a sub machine gun? And as the writer said, "Why does anybody not on the front lines of the military in a war zone need to have access to a sub machine gun?" Now this brings in the Second Amendment, which states "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Within the first few words, the amendment states "A well regulated militia," meaning that you have to belong to a well regulated militia, if you want to bear arms. There is no statement for the right of a regular citizen to bear arms. This 9 year old girl was by no means in a militia group, which leads to my conclusion in the infringement of the 2nd amenment

Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 Hero

My 9/11 hero is Betty Ong. She was one of veteran flight attendants that called out for help on the Flight 11 hijacking. She stayed on the line for 8 minutes and 27 seconds,  before she got disconnected 37 seconds before the plane crash. "I don't know, but I think we're getting hijacked" was one of the lines that she said over the phone call. In my eyes, Betty Ong is my 9/11 hero due to her courageous acts during the plane flight.

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