Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Current Event: Eugenics

     In Lynchburg, Virginia on March 1st of 2015, the House and Senate decides to write a check of 25,000 dollars to 88 year old Lewis Reynolds for compensation over his sterilization. He is one of the 7,259 Virginians taken from 1929-1979 by the government and was sterilized against their will. This action by the Court was symbolic and important because it showed that the government will be willing to provide an apology to what they've done to their citizens- aside from the fact that money does not mean anything when they can't have a chance to create a family of their own.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Debate: Gun Control Current Event (Pro/Con)

Pro Gun side:

This event was posted on August 27th of 2014. Todd Watkins from Atlanta, GA, has three children aged 24, 19, and 13, who were taught to handle fire arms ever since they were young. He thinks that it's essential to teach children how to use guns- it's the same as telling a child not to touch a hot stove. Since there are so many firearms in the US already, you might as well learn how to handle them; but it has the potential to be useful or dangerous. His issue is with automatic weapons over weapons with triggers (which are more safe to handle). This is important because it shows the pro gun side, which supports the use of guns, but also has restrictions.

Anti Gun Side:

Obama and his administration has recently aimed measures at limiting access to firearms from the mentally ill. The regulations aims to clarify who can possess a firearm due to their mental health problem, and also lifts privacy provisions on the background check system. This is important because this (private) information can help keep guns out of potential threats. These regulations were passed on the one year anniversary of the December shooting in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. These changes will impact everyone in the US.

Current Event: Black Heroes

Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou was a figure of the Civil Rights Movement. She was born on April 4th of 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. She passed away on May 28th 2014, due to natural causes, and is important because she changed the world through her inspirational stories and words. She wrote poems, did performances, speeches, and lectures, that changed and empowered our generation.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Person of the Week

Missy Franklin
Missy Franklin was born on May 10th, 1995, and is an American competition swimmer and four time Olympic Gold Medalist. She holds the world record for 200 meter backstroke, and American record in the 100 and 200 meter backstroke races. She was born in Pasadena, California, and grew up in Centennial, Colorado. She is my Person of the Week because she is a role model to me, and is someone I look up to!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Current Event: Abortion (Pro Life)

     On October 21st, the 10th Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity began in over 3,000 high school and college campuses. Students that were against abortion would tape their mouths shut for the entire span of the day as a silent protest, intending to make noise throughout the nation. A student named Kemper, an abortion activist from Arizona, created an organization that tracks the number of participating students on a website named
     This is an important occurrence because it shows what others are willing to do to show their mindset upon the topic of abortion. Ones against abortion participating in this event say that they will try not to impede this side upon other people, making it a peaceful act. I see this as a plus because these people are willing to state what they're saying without saying a word, and not causing a disruptance. Usually, matters that disrupt or cause a commotion (such as protests or riots) are put down with force, but this is the total opposite. Anti-abortionists are creating a non-hostile environment to get their point across, and I think that this is something that would be good for all of us, no matter what side we are on.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Current Event: Abortion (Pro Choice)

     In the Cincinnati area, one of the only abortion clinics, that serve an estimated 2.1 million people, was cited by the Ohio Department of Health for not writing a transfer agreement with a local private hospital. Clinic officials stated that they had agreed on an exemption more than a year ago, but never heard back from the state. This event was published on October 27th, which means that this event was very recent- most likely within the past few days to a week.
     Soon enough, Cincinnati will become one of the largest areas in the country without an abortion provider. Because Republic Governer John Kasich wants to restrict abortion rights across the state, this causes a problem for the 2.1 million people that depend on the abortion clinic. If the women cannot obtain their needed services, that will raise many questions across the city. In my opinion, I women should have the right of whether or not they want an abortion, and what is happening in this situation is violating that right. Taking away this program would cause anger to the ones that are looking into having an abortion, but also raises the question of whether or not this action is justified.